
Showing posts from April, 2017

Not Alone

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a 'hurry up and wait' situation with these doctors. With all the phones calls, emails, college finals and blood works I'm trying to manage and keep up with I tend to get in a very Me Mentality. I'm calling about me . I'm doing this for me . Please stop putting me on hold for 3 hours. (not even kidding with that last one) I forget that these offices help a bunch of people going through a lot of stuff on a very regular basis. I was speaking with a friend from high school the other day. We honestly hadn't talked since junior year but got reconnected through the ever accessible internet. He's a marine, I'm in college. He's in Japan, I'm sitting on my bed. Yet, while we catch up on things I come to find out that his mom is not do...

On the Winning Side

"The Lord will fight for you, you only have to be still." Exodus 14:14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I write today bringing more worldly bad news, but also eternal good news.  Recently I have had little to no fight left in me. I feel like fighting off pain and symptoms is easier when you don't have a diagnosis because you have that hope of a cure, the idea that if you appear less than okay your doctors will thin you're over exaggerating, the desire to keep pushing for answers.  Once you have a diagnosis, especially one like mine, it becomes harder. I thought it would be easier because I'd be able to push and fight while receiving treatment that could help me push and fight. When you have chronic illness you're conditioned to present your symptoms to your care team like a to-do list rather than a list of things that are pulling your body apart. You're suppose...

This Wasn't in the Brochure

We can each define ambition and progress for ourselves. The goal is to work toward a world where expectations are not set by the stereotypes that hold us back, but by our personal passion, talents and interests.  -Sheryl Sandberg ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't sign up for this. Who would? I think I've sat down about four different times now desperately trying to find the right words to say, to somehow come up with a metaphor or simile appropriate for how I'm feeling right now.  Long story short: I's not good. Since my last post things have been getting worse. I'm not going to go into detail because this is a public platform and I do want to retain some sort of privacy on here, but I also want to be open with everyone. Nobody talks about these things. You've read my triumphant perseverance and my unwavering faithfulness, but, my friend, the world is not all like that.  I deeply wish when people...