Get Lost With Me

Hey y'all!

   I'm Abby, a southern girl born and raised in Georgia suburbs. I spent a good portion of my childhood running around my neighborhood barefoot and dirty. I loved the outdoors and did everything from stick sword fights to climbing trees to living in a literal bush for a few days. I started having a severe case of wanderlust at the beginning of high school and did everything in my power to cure it. I left my old high school and my parents let my sister and I home school ourselves. Since then I've had a lot more free time and take a lot of time to find new places to study.
On May 28th, 2015 I hopped on my first plane and left for Karanse, Tanzania, Africa. Karanse is a remote village in TZ with a school that my church started. I fell in love immediately and will continue to go every summer and opportunity I get.

I tend to start adventures and get lost because I hate GPS, which leads to whole new adventures. So here's to getting lost, and finding yourself.

Truly, Abby


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