Making Money

"Money won't keep folks from grieving, and it won't stop love from leaving. So here's my two cents: what's the use in making money."
- Ben Rector
I think it's funny how worried everyone is about making money, myself included.
I mean I understand that this society capitalizes off of everything and grows from human desire for more material things, but we can live without it.
The world has become one giant materialist hell hole circling a ball of fire in the sky. Nothing has true value anymore. A photo never seems to mean as much unless it was taken with the nicest camera or the newest phone. We go to event just so we can post about them and bring home some sort of physical representation that we were actually there.
If you couldn't take anything to a new country or place or bring anything back to prove you had gone, would you still go?
I deeply crave to disappear and not have to deal with the limitations and expectations this social media controlled society pours out on us. I think that's why I love the ocean and the beach so much. Nobody owns the ocean.
It simply is. There are no rules. It's cont5rolled by a giant rock in outer space. It's almost completely unknown and undiscovered. It's soft enough to wash you and caress you, but tough enough to destroy and drown you.
It does not desire accomplishments. It just strips you clean and displays itself and it's unending blue glory for you if you're kind to it.

Society prefers extroverts, those who take action quicker than those who take time to think about the repercussions of said action. There is nothing wrong with being an extrovert, but some of them end up feeding this awful monster of the world because they crave the next best thing and snatch it up quickly before thinking about what it could mean.
Living a very minimalist lifestyle, for a month to the rest of your life, you will find that most things are just more important than money. The simple experiences of being with people with no actual physical evidence of it happening, not having to worry about what to take and what to leave, and my all time favorite: being able to pack up and move in an instant.
Minimalism and money do not go hand in hand. While not having many things can help you save money, that shouldn't be your motive fro doing so. It clears your space and your head so you can see that making money isn't the most important thing and that God will provide.
He always provides.
For goodness sakes, John the Baptist wandered around the desert eating locust and wild honey, wearing camel skin just so that he could move around and proclaim the name of the Lord without hindrance.
Why aren't we doing that? Why are we so focused on the newest iPhone and not on the never changing, forever amazing word of God?!
We crave instant satisfaction; we want to have something in our hands the moment we hear about it. We don't want to work for anything, but that's not how God works. We have to work hard to show people that God is an easy thing.
So go, make money or not, but make sure that you're happy and that you stay forever a fisher of men.


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