Clarity of Vision
"Clarity of vision with flexibility in the process."
- unknown
“Truth is not fully explosive, but purely electric. You don't blow the world up with the truth; you shock it into motion.”
- Criss Jami
- Criss Jami
I haven't been in one place for longer than two weeks all summer. I've been on 13 different planes in the past three and half months. I have made plans, but they never go exactly how I thought they would. That's okay.
The plan has always been: go to school, go to college, get a job, husband, kids. That was it. The past six months has taught me anything it's that life is ever changing. I developed severe joint problems, suffered side effects of the medication, recovered from chronic migraines, and decided I wanted to do more with my life.
I decided to take a semester off, something severely frowned upon in todays society because statistics show that students who take time off before college are less likely to go to college. Not the case with me. I took a semester off because the college I planned to go to was too expensive and I needed to save money. I've also spent way too much time in doctors offices and quite frankly I needed a good six to eight month period where I didn't have an appointment, assessment or scan to go to. I was working a job that I hated and doing a very cookie-cutter life. There's nothing wrong with that for some people, but that is not who I am. So I stuck it out, saved the money, and traveled my butt of (seriously I've been sitting so much it actually might be flatter).
The world is full of endless possibilities. All them are possible with God, however, the possibilities are not always what we would call "good." I missed trains and lost money and my phone, the guy in front of me on the train got arrested, I couldn't afford the college I thought was my dream. But everything happens for good, believe it or not.
I got to spend some alone time in LA while I waited for the next train, that an could have hurt the people if he stayed on the train, I was boasting with my money, and it turns out my dream college is affordable and in the Virgin Islands.
Traveling all over these past few months has shown me who I really am and what I am about. I want to change the word. I want to make this world a better place for everyone and everything on it. God did not put me here to just go through the motions, He put me here to put the motions in place, to start something bigger than me and let it spread. I am not taking this semester off to "chill" I'm taking it off to live. To see what I can do and start ideas (not plans) for the future of me. Everything is written in sand, not stone. Anything can happen, and I can't wait to see what anything will be.
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