How to Deal with Criticism

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body; it calls attention to the development of an unhealthy state of things. If it is heeded in time, danger may be averted; if it is suppressed, a fatal distemper may develop."
- Winston Churchill
People get criticized on the daily.
It may be from family, friends, bosses, piers, or total strangers. The number of times some stranger has told me what I should do with my life is staggering. Either way it happens. It can really break a person down depending on how it's given and received. I'm going to go ahead and give a disclaimer that this is not going to be a post about toughening up or something along those lines. As the kids would say this is a post about "dealing with the haters."
I was raised as an independent child. that doesn't mean my parents weren't around, it means they taught us how to do things for ourselves. Not only did that mean I knew how to laundry by the age of 7, it also meant I knew how to and had no fear of straying from the given path. Two weeks into being 18 I had two tattoos. I dyed my hair green. I dyed it back, then got dreadlocks. I traveled across the country alone and spent the nights with people I met on the internet. I decided to take a semester off and go to a college on an island.
Every decision was criticized and hated by at least one person. I have literally set myself up to be attacked by the human opinion. The things I stand for and the way I live my life somehow bother people I've never met and even close family and friends.
Dealing with the backlash of anything isn't as easy as ignoring it. I mean sure I have that hard of hearing advantage so sometimes I literally can't hear it, but you get the point. Sure you can pretend like you don't care; put up a persona of chill and sassy but when you have a bad day chances are good your mind will wander back to the comment and use it to tear you down. So what I want you to try to do is take any criticism you receive and twist it into a compliment.
Human: "that tattoo is forever you know, I cant believe you actually defiled your body just because that was a little important to you."
Me: "i cant believe I got this tattoo after years and years of planning and I get to have it on my body until I die. it's what I've wanted for so long and it means so much to me."
Kind of like that if that makes any sense.
You are loved by someone, I promise, so if some rude punk tells you that your life is gunna end you up in a garbage can than just remember my senior quote, "whenever you feel like trash just remember: it's called a trash CAN not a trash CAN'T."


  1. That was so serious and then I laughed out loud at your senior quote!


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